You’re there for me

As a kid, you took me where I needed to go,

You made sure I had what I needed,

We had dinner together every night

You took me to school everyday and carted me around to whatever activity I was involved in.

You didn’t miss a play, school activity, or game.

I was not spoiled, even though people tried to say I was.

You’re there for me.

In high school and college, anytime I needed you, you were a phone call away, or you’d just get in your car and drive.

You  hugged me when I needed a hug and cried with me at times

Even though I was alone, I was never alone.

You’re there for me.

As an adult, nothing has changed.

To help me out you’re at my house in the mornings to get me kids off to school so I can go to work.

If I’m upset about something I can call you or come over.

When I have exciting news you’re one of the first to know.

When things are difficult I know I can lean on you.

I can do all these things because

You’re there for me.

Love you Mom and Dad

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8 Responses to You’re there for me

  1. kmurphy1027 says:

    What a great reminder of all the things our parents do for us and a sweet way to thank them!


  2. BSoltero says:

    What a wonderful tribute to your parents. I feel the same way about mine 😄 definitely blessed! Such a beautifully written post!


  3. Ms. Kelly says:

    You are blessed. Plus your children get to share in the blessings of involved grandparents.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Jill Derosa says:

    This is beautifully written and you can really she how grateful you are for your parents. My parents are always there to guide and support me and I feel blessed ever day that I have them.

    Liked by 1 person

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