My fury friends


My fury friends always seem to know those times I need a smile, a laugh, or to be cuddled. Looking at this picture of my knuckleheads makes me think about how their quirkiness fits into our family. These are two out of my three fury friends. Roxi is on the right and Zippy is to the left. Misti decided the other two took up way too much room in the bed she typically is sleeping in. So she would not have any part of this picture.

Of course they all believe they are 150pound dogs, ready to protect what is theirs…not even close! They do love to bark, but protect??? I do believe they’d be hiding behind a wall or door to make sure no one got to them, ha ha.

When I come home from work, all three of them come rushing to the door to greet me. They make it to me long before my family does!The excuse I hear for that is, well they have four legs and we only have two…really, although that’s some unique thinking.

When one of us isn’t feeling well or is sad, they can sense it. Roxi always tries to gives kisses to make things better, although it’s usually a bit aggravating when she does this because she won’t stop! Zippy on the other hand will come up to you and thump right against you giving you the feeling you’re not alone.

I’m very lucky to have my fury friends.

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2 Responses to My fury friends

  1. Kim K says:

    Omg. I can just picture them wiggling their way to you at the door and making everyone feel better. Dogs are the best.


  2. Ali Vrbas says:

    I love the part where you said they always think they are 150 pounds. So funny!


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