Coach- Parent- Educator

Being a girls softball coach, a pitching coach to be exact, I’m trying to stay ahead of the batter, while at the same time handling my pitchers and catchers emotions. What pitch do I have to stay away from, what pitch does the batter like and what pitch does she struggle with, do I call high, low, inside, outside, curve, drop rise or change??  I’m always checking in with my pitchers and catchers…what’s working, what are you struggling with, how are you feeling out there, you know this hitter is coming up 2nd next inning, we have to stay away from change ups and knee high pitches. You’re going to have to fight through hitting your spots. Adding in the mix of umpires to this already existing emotional rollercoaster is where the stress comes in for me. Trying to get the girls to realize the ump isn’t just making up calls, just as teachers and parents don’t make things up. When something isn’t going right, or you’re not getting the call, you as the pitcher the one in control, you have to make an adjustment. The same goes with our kids with parents and educators. We really do have more important things to do like helping you with something like homework, or making sure you’re understanding a concept, other than making something up just to make you mad or to pick on you! The umpire’s call, what a teacher says, or what a parent says is each one taking their expertise and experiences and sharing that to make a difference in their lives. Knowing how to handle situations or learning how to make adjustments, it doesn’t matter if you’re in school, at home or on the field. Kids don’t always realize we’re on their side and that they need us, just as we need them. Trying to stay ahead of them is the game we’re constantly playing. One day these young ladies and kids will grow up and become a coach, parent or educator.


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1 Response to Coach- Parent- Educator

  1. So true! Thanks for writing!


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